Start, then grow.

Runtime and model hosting with less glue.



Everything you need to launch your first intelligent API.

350 compute hours included

10 GiB vector storage included

10M shared model units included

1 GB data transfer included

function and model observability

3 users included

standard support


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For business critical workloads in complex operating environments.

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Everything you need to launch your first intelligent API.

350 compute hours included

10 GiB vector storage included

10M shared model units included

1 GB data transfer included

function and model observability

3 users included

standard support


Contact Us

For business critical workloads in complex operating environments.

white-glove onboarding

training and professional services

unlimited users

24x7 global support

99.995% SLA guarantee



Everything you need to launch your first intelligent API.

350 compute hours included

10 GiB vector storage included

10M shared model units included

1 GB data transfer included

function and model observability

3 users included

standard support


Contact Us

For business critical workloads in complex operating environments.

white-glove onboarding

training and professional services

unlimited users

24x7 global support

99.995% SLA guarantee

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Hypermode Inc. © 2024

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